Brown Water Snake
Nerodia taxispilota
Family: Natricidae - Harmless Live-Bearing Snakes Typical Adult Size: 30 to 60 inches Reproduction: live bearing Eye Pupil: round Dorsal Scales: keeled Anal Scale: divided |
Brown Water Snakes are large, heavy-bodied snakes most often found in swamps of the low country. They are usually misidentified
as venomous Cottonmouth Snakes. Browns like to bask on limbs higher above the water than most other water snakes.
At the first perception of danger, they will drop into the water making a loud splash. If a fisherman's boat happens to be below,
they may fall into it. Such events give rise to many stories of Cottonmouths jumping into boats.
The eyes of Brown Water Snakes are set well forward on the head. Browns are fond of eating catfish.
In recent decades, Brown Water Snakes have extended their range into the Piedmont of South Carolina.
July 07, 2009
Contact: South Carolina Reptiles and Amphibians